The Video Collection

Videodigitalization is processed from U-Matic Low Band and High Band, Betacam as well as S-VHS and VHS.

Timebase correction is used if neccessary

Analog video is converted into DVD format and prepared to save on our large hard disk array

The foundation's internal gigabit network streams video to the connected network computers

The harddisk array has a capacity of more than 100 Terabyte.
"Preservation for Future Dance Research"
Apart from dance notations, video in analog or digital format is the most important documentation medium for dance. The movements are together with music and scenography. Also, the choreographers own comments in interviews or introductions are extremely valuable.
The video collection of the Carina Ari Library consists of great classical and modern ballets with a variety of stars, originating from the internatianal contests »Grand Prix Carina Ari«, a long-standing event conducted by the Foundations. The library is even taking care of considerable parts of the footage filmed by the German photographer and dance expert Ulrich Tegeder.

Digitalized Tegeder U-matic video tape collection
The library is equipped with a variety of video machines of different formats, e.g. U-Matic, DVD, VHS (Pal, NTSC), S-VHS, Betacam SP and DVC Pro.
Video digitalization
In 2006, a project to preserve video material to future dance research was launched. Since then, thousands of old magnetic video tapes have been digitalized and saved in a catalog with a fulltext search and play function. The files are stored on a large network hard disk array, which is continously expanded.Carina Ari also helps other institutions with their digitalization. In 2008, we digitalized the most valuable tapes from the Swedish Folk Dance Archive and since 2010, Dansens Hus uses our technical resources for their material.
The video footage can be viewed by researchers at the libraries accomodations in Stockholm. For questions and appointment times, please contact the Foundation's office.
Video database, video player in the intranet
At the moment, the foundation is not able to offer help with digitizing dance films and documentation for preservation purposes or to include new material in Carina Ari's video archive "Carina Ari Video Collection" for future research.