
The Carina Ari Memorial Foundation

Carina Ari 1930
Carina Ari in the 1930s

Carina 1940


Carina Aris Minnesfond

The Carina Ari Memorial foundation was founded in 1963 and started to work in 1973. The scope and objectives of the Foundation are unique in international terms.

The overall purpose is to develop and support Swedish dance.

At present, this is achieved by providing financial support primarily in three main areas:
  • scholarships to enable young dancers to study abroad
  • scholarships and funding for dance research
  • financial support for elderly dancers who often receive unjustly small pensions and have substantial healthcare needs

The Memorial Foundation also awards The Carina Ari Medal to persons who have commendably promoted Swedish dance.

Styrelsens sammansättning:

Members of the board of directors:


Conseil d'Administration:

Het bestuur bestaat uit de volgende leden:

Ordförande:Chairman:Vorsitzender:Président:Voorzitter: Monica Fredriksson Tal Monica Fredriksson Tal Monica Fredriksson Tal Monica Fredriksson Tal Monica Fredriksson Tal

Vice ordförande:Vice Chairman:Stv. Vorsitzender:Vice-président:Vice-voorzitter: Mikael Jönsson Mikael Jönsson Mikael Jönsson Mikael Jönsson Mikael Jönsson

Övriga styrelseledamöter:Other board members:Vorstandsmitglieder:Autres Membres du Conseil d'Administration:Overige bestuursleden:

professor Ana Laguna, hovdansare Professor Ana Laguna, Dancer of the Swedish Royal Court Professor Ana Laguna, Kgl. Hoftänzerin Professeure Ana Laguna, Danseuse à la Cour du Roi professor Ana Laguna, Dancer of the Swedish Royal Court

hovdansaren Johanna Björnson Johanna Björnson, Dancer of the Swedish Royal Court Kgl. Hoftänzerin Johanna Björnson Johanna Björnson, Danseuse à la Cour du Roi Johanna Björnson, Dancer of the Swedish Royal Court

professor Cecilia Roos Professor Cecilia Roos Professor Cecilia Roos Professeure Cecilia Roos, Professor Cecilia Roos